Marrakech Musings

So, I have been a way for a few days. I have been very privileged to spend last week in Morocco. After the rather slow start to the summer in the UK this year, I can finally remember what the sunshine and season feel like! A balmy 32 degrees at times, with lots of time spent sunbathing, reading books, drinking cocktails and soaking up the culture, more on that shortly. But of course no holiday or time off work is complete without some fitness! I was delighted when I found out the hotel had an outside running track with circuit stations, e.g. Chin up bars, dips, press ups. A cute little gym and also a tennis court. All of which I took full advantage off! 

On the first day of arriving around 5pm, I decided that the running track needed testing, (as I hadn't had my run fix in 48 hours!) It was wonderful to feel the sunshine on my skin but certainly was challenging with the heat!! Managed a couple of laps and succumbed to testing out the shinny kit in the gym, it was so needed and felt completely energised.

I also played some tennis, now strictly speaking, it was more attempting to hit a ball over a net! I remember at primary school I was put through a tennis camp one summer holidays with my cousin and neighbour, but sadly I don't think that I remembered any of the training! But I did really enjoy running around and getting a different kind of work out, although I think I spent far too much time laughing at my own ineptitude than gaining an actual physical benefit, but it's definitely something I would like to do again soon!

Marrakech is lovely, the russet coloured buildings, the hypnotic call to prayer within the Medina walls and the vibrant friendly people, all wanting to be your friend! The souks are worth getting yourself lost amongst the myriad of streets, the smells and colours of the spices are divine. The food and drink as you would expect are a tastebud explosion, but for me the highlight was the Berber mint tea, it is an experience not to be missed! I love my teas and this surpassed them all! Black tea leaves with fresh mint and sugar, so simple, but prepared in such a way and with ceremony and respect, I am sure this gave it it's unique flavour. I was surprised how much French is widely spoken and the birdlife is similar to the UK. Of course you can't forget the camels... I would go back in a heartbeat, only a short flight, on the same time zone and friendly people.


A friend in the lake 

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